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Pro-Palestinian protests at US universities and their Deans

America's young intellectuals apparently have the moral compass of the nation, but that is not being recognised. True, Netanyahu has shown he is a cold-blooded mass-murderer, and these university students show their horror. Astonishingly though, not a single Dean of the many universities in the US publicly said he is proud of his students or that he admires them. What is wrong there?  Are they all right-wing men and women with a closed mind? Or are they afraid their incoming money flow will stop? Not hearing them say the obvious is worrisome. Neither did any of them warn the protesters against the always existing small group in any demonstration that goes too far. Where is the Dean with an open mind, a warm heart and some courage?  The other aspect of these demonstrations is they make life really difficult for the US government and the President. The US has a very basic loyalty with Israel. A sudden mass murdering of Palestinians cannot immediately make the US change that loyalty

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