The mid-terms? It is China, stupid!

Whether the Democrats regain majority in the Senate or not is locally important in the US, but it is moot as compared to the real battle that Trump is beginning to wage with China. As soon as the Mid Term election is over, whatever the result, what we will see is how Trump picks up his fight where he left off. That, all along, has been the real issue in my opinion.

The new US envoy to the European Union, Gordon D. Sondland, recently voiced : "The jackpot ... is to have what is about a $40 trillion combined GDP working as a bloc in terms of dealing with Chinese growth, Chinese theft of intellectual property, [and] Chinese militarisation of the South China Sea,"
So the US wants to create a massive trade bloc with Europe to curb Chinese expansionism.
I fear our EU politicians are too much navel gazing and will not have the required insight and guts to do so.
The outcome will determine the future of the West.

Edouard Prisse


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