MACRON, the too cold man

In his major letter to the French population of Monday 13 January, Macron again shows he does not understand how to do what is essential for his presidency: to get his people to like him. His tone continues to be that of the stern teacher who knows better than you.  Although he is right in demanding sacrifices of the population in order to make France’s economy healthy again, he did not ask for their help, as he should have done, nor does he behave as ‘one of us’. That there is no warm feeling for him is at the core of the now major uprisings in the streets. The French population can be very loyal and do almost everything for a leader, see Napoleon, but only if they like him. Macron should have explained why he was tough with the railway strike, he should have explained that he was protecting the many against unfair advantages of the few. He doesn't do this and by now it is clear he will never understand. With his lack of empathy and inability to create a good feeling in others, he may even be digging his own grave.  And that is a tremendous loss, because his ideas about what should be done and about where the European Union should go are really excellent. But will he be able to carry them through? His 25 years older wife apparently cannot help. If she could, by now she would have done so. As it is, at a next election he might even lose out to horrible Marine le Pen. Unfortunately, she knows quite well how to speak to the people.


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