My Ukrainian Peace Proposal !
January 2024: It dates from more than a year ago now, but the reasing behind it is still valid.

I did not publish this in any magazine or paper, because I, as the independent thinker and writer that I am, would probably not be taken seriously. So just here, in this blog.

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The aim.

1.              for the US and the EU together to get Putin to retire behind the Ukrainian borders.
2.              To avoid Putin losing face, so that he can agree.
3.              To offer Putin a buffer between the EU and Russia, which is part of his mental problem.
4.              To use both a carrot and a stick.


After secret consultation Between the US and the EU, and after that, with President Zelinsky, the US and the EU, in secret unpublished diplomatic contact with the Kremlin:

·         Ask Putin to withdraw his troops back over the Ukrainian border
·         Offer him that he may publicly say that he has requested US and EU for the guarantee that the Ukraine will not become member of NATO nor part of the EU.
·         Offer him that he can announce this publicly as if it were his initiative
·         Tell him, still in secret, that if he will not have retired his troops before a given date (for example after 2 months), the Ukraine will immediately be taken in as member of NATO and part of the EU and that such decisions, once taken, would  be irreversible and the war then would continue at full blast.
The pressure would be for the US and the EU countries to stop giving weapons.

I think such a course of action would stand a good chance of succeeding.
Zelensky would have to swallow, but on him too, a solid pressure can be applied. id he were not to agree.  
The pressure would be for the US and the EU countries to stop giving weapons.

Of course, a few details will have to be speedily negotiated.
- What of the Krimea?  Shouldn't that be neutral and under separate contyol with a proper status, without military presence?
- Freedom of the Black Sea for both Russian and Ukrainian warships.
- a Russian guarantee for the Ukraine that it can export wheat
- The Russian speaking Easter provinces of Ukraine should receive a internal separate status inside the Ukraine, where personal contact with Russian familkies should be allowed and well organised.

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